ANNE WANNER'S Textiles in History   /  book reviews, articles

Marzia Cataldi Gallo
Genova, Italia

sent a note about her book:

Arte e lusso della seta a Genova dal 500 al 700
a cura di M. Cataldi Gallo, Torino, Allemandi editore, 2000, pp. 271, ill. 177 col, 30 bw.,
ISBN 88-422-1001-3, Lit. 70'000.

The catalogue of
the exhibition held in Genova, Palazzo Ducale and Galleria Nazionale Palazzo Spinola, is based on the importance of genovese textiles in Genova and abroad.

there are different chapters on:
- economics (Paola Massa)
- the utilisation of textiles in interior decoration, dress and churches (M. Cataldi Gallo)
- religious ceremonies, tapestries

one section covers the neoclassical period
another section deals with printed cottons (in Genova "mezzari")

There are entries for every work of art, included are many embroideries, many of them not known to the pubblic.

home   content Last revised April 14, 2001 For further information contact Anne Wanner