ANNE WANNER'S Textiles in History   /  book reviews, articles

  Burgundische Tapisserien
by Anna Rapp Buri and Monica Stucky-Schürer
Munich, 2001 (Hirmer Verlag)

ISBN 3-7774-9260-4 (there is a soft cover version containing Part I of the book: tapestries of the collection in Berne, 247 pages, available at Historisches Musem Bern, with the same ISBN Nr.)

in german language
433 pages, richly illustrated with coloured and black and white pictures

price: chFr. 148.-





Die Berner Tapisseriesammlung

Verwandte Tapisserien des 15. Jhs.

Die Burgundischen Tapisserien der Fürstenhöfe und des Klerus

Zahlungsbelege, Inventare, Korrespondenz

  This publication presents the entire selection of Burgundian tapestries housed in the Historical Museum of Bern, both in text form and as illustrations. The collection is also compared with the most closely related examples available in Brussels, Glasgow, Krakow, London, Reims, Rome, Rouen and Vienna.

One chapter each deals with sponsorship of tapestry production at the court of Burgundy, the tapestry trade and the historical upkeep of the tapestries. An extensive study of source materials has made it possible to name the most popular religious and worldly subjects addressed in the tapestries;
contemporary court literature sung the praises of the heroes of antiquity and the middle ages, and this also had a decided influence on the tapestry genre. The production process, from artistic conception to its rendering in the textile medium, is described in detail. And finally, the use of tapestries at court festivals and events of state is given ample acknowledgement.

An appendix includes the tapestry titles, historical payment documentation, tapestry inventories as well as relevant historical correspondence.


Angel from tapestry: Adoration of Kings

Angel Gabriel, detail of annunciation by Rogier van der Weyden, after 1434, Paris, Musée du Louvre


home   content Last revised February 22, 2002

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