ANNE WANNER'S Textiles in History   /  book reviews, articles


Bordados do Império Otomano à India
séc. XVIII - XIX

Colecção Calouste Gulbenkian, by Maria Fernanda Passos Leite
110 pages, catalogue with colour photos, in portuguese language, english version
Lisboa, October 2003

ISBN 972-8128-91-6
deposito legal n.o 200 209/03


- introduction
- catalogue
- bibliography
- glossary
- english version


detail of cover, beginning 19th c., Inv. 1395 B

detail, 19th c., Inv. 1396 K/L


Detail of towel, Istanbul, 19th c., Inv. 1395 A

Towel, Istanbul, 19th c., Inv. 1395 A


home  content Last revised October 3rd, 2003

For further information contact Anne Wanner