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  Book reviews - 2011



books and articles:

since October 2011:

  • Samt und Seide, Französische Luxusstoffe um 1900, Velours et soie - Les étoffes de luxe en Francxe vers 1900, Hgg (Direction éditoriale) Ingrid Mössinger und Katharina Metz, Glossar and Catalogue by Katrin Spittel, Kunstsammlung Chemnitz, München, 2011, 88 pages, in german and french, lavishly illustrated, Euro 18.00
    ISBN 978-3-7774-4591-5
    please order at: or +49 (0)371 488 4424
  • Christa Jeitner, Zur Geschichte der Brandenburger Domherrenmäntel, S. 91-112, in: Jahrbuch für Berlin-Brandenburgische Kirchengeschichte, 67. Jahrgang 2009, 1. Auflage 2010, 462 S. - 24,0 x 16,5 cm, Herausgegeben von Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Berlin Brandenburgische Kirchengeschichte, ISBN 978-3-88981-257-5, Verlag Wichern , E 22.50 (D)
  • Christa Jeitner, Die Sammlung kirchlicher Gewänder und anderer Paramente, Introduction, p. 30-35, and: Textile Kunstwerke, Catalogue, p. 47 - 122, in: Mittelalterliche Kunst aus Berlin und Brandenburg im Stadtmuseum Berlin, bearbeitet von Peter Knüvener, 400 pages, about 600 illustrations, in german language. - 65,00 Euro cash in the museum, ISBN 978-3-940939-19-7 - G+H Verlag
    Erstmals wird die umfangreiche Sammlung des Stadtmuseums Berlin zur mittelalterlichen Kunst der Region Berlin-Brandenburg in einer Publikation vorgestellt. Durch die umfassenden, interdisziplinären Forschungen, die von ausgewiesenen Fachleuten vorgenommen wurden, erschlossen sich ganz neue Zusammenhänge.
    see also exhibition:
  • Karen Stolleis, Der Kirchenschatz von St. Leonhard in Frankfurt, Goldschmiede- und Textilkunst 16. bis 20. Jahrhundert, 216 pages, 206 illustrations, 21 x 28 cm, in german, will be publishd in February 2012, ISBN 978-3-7954-2515-9, Euro 49.95
    In der ehemaligen Stiftskirche St. Leonhard in Frankfurt hat sich ein reicher Schatz an liturgischen Geräten und Textilien erhalten, der hier erstmals in seiner Gesamtheit auf der Grundlage eingehender Quellenstudien publiziert wird. Daraus resultieren aufschlussreiche Erkenntnisse zur Frankfurter Stadtgeschichte.
  • Hai-Yen Hua-Ströfer, Buddha's Brush, Buddha's Paste, (Buddhas Kleister, Buddhas Pinsel) HICA Edition 2010, 220 pages, 363 Photos, in german and english, 97 x 100 cm, ISBN 978-3-00-030338-8, -
  • Barbara Karl, The Use of Growing Architecture as Propaganda - The bengal colcha at the Isabella Stewart Gardener Msueum in Boston, in: “O estado da India e os desafios Europeus”, CHAM: 2010, pp. 231-244
  • Barbara Karl, 'Marvellous things are made with needles', Bengal colchas in European inventories, c. 1580 - 1630, in: Journal of the History of Collections (2010), pp. 1-13
    Indian textiles were among the most important trade goods during the early modem period. This study illustrates the importance of inventories in the context of studying a specific group of Indian embroideries (colchas) from the late sixteenth and the seventeenth centuries. The inventories consulted here from Portugal, England, Italy, Spain and Austria provide a variety of In formation on the textiles themselves and their historical context, in order to enlarge the picture extracted from the inventories, other documents such as letters and trave! accounts are examined. This comparison of inventories with other sources, helps to demonstrate how these complex goods where adapted for and utilized by the European market.
  • Amy Mitten, Autopsy of the Montenegrin Stitch, Exhumed, first published by Amy Mitten Design Ltd. 2011, ISBN 978-09868686-0-3, 112 pages, see
  • Christa Jeitner, Nürnberger Serienproduktion? Zur Einordnung einer Kasel mit gesticktem Kreuz aus dem dritten Vietel des 5. Jahrhunderts in der Stephanskirche zu Tangermünde, in: Die Altmark von 1300 bis 1600, eine Kulturregion im Spannungsfeld von Magdeburg, Lübeck und Berlin, hgg von Jiri Fajt, Wilfried Franzen und Peter Knüvener, S. 226-240, 568 pages, 600 photos, 23cm x 30,5cm, Euro 78, ISBN 978-3-86732-106-8, Lukas Verlag für Kunst- und Geistesgeschichte, Kollwitzstraße 57, D-10405 Berlin. Die Publikation stellt die Ergebnisse einer wissenschaftlichen Tagung vor, die im September 2008 in Stendal Historikern, Kunsthistorikern sowie Restauratoren die Möglichkeit bot, das vielfältige kulturelle Schaffen in der Altmark, die Rolle der Kulturträger und das künstlerische und kulturelle Spannungsfeld, in dem sich die Altmark in der Zeit von 1300 bis 1600 befand, zu erörtern. -
  • Christa Jeitner, Prunk war nicht Protz, Höfische Stoffe und gestickte Bilder aus der Zeit der ersten Hohenzollern in Brandenburg, in: Im Dialog mit Raubrittern und schönen Madonnen, Studien zur brandenburgischen und vergleichenden Landesgeschichte, Begleitband zum Ausstellungsverbund "Von Raubrittern und Schönen Madonnen" 2011/2012, ausgewiesene Historiker, Literaturwissenschaftler, Kunst- und Bauhistoriker entfalten in fast fünfzig eindrucksvoll bebilderten Beiträgen ein neuartiges Panorama der Mark Brandenburg des späten Mittelalters. In der Begegnung mit "Raubrittern" und "Schönen Madonnen" werden die Dynamik und die Widersprüche der Zeit zwischen "Schwarzem Tod" und der Reformation anschaulich. Hgg. Clemens Bergstedt, Heinz-Dieter Heimann, Knut Kiesant, Peter Knüvener, Mario Müller, Kurt Winkler, Bd. 6, 2011, p. 104-111, ISBN 978-3-86732-118-1 - Lukas Verlag für Kunst- und Geistesgeschichte, Kollwitzstraße 57, D-10405 Berlin, Euro 30 - -
  • Evelin Wetter, Landesherren, Kirchen, Städte und die Kunst in der Mark Brandenburg, in: Im Dialog mit Raubrittern und schönen Madonnen, Studien zur brandenburgischen und vergleichenden Landesgeschichte, hgg. Clemens Bergstedt, Heinz-Dieter Heimann, Knut Kiesant, Peter Knüvener, Mario Müller, Kurt Winkler, Bd. 6, 2011, p. 91-103, ISBN 978-3-86732-118-1 - Lukas Verlag für Kunst- und Geistesgeschichte, Kollwitzstraße 57, D-10405 Berlin,
  • Evelin Wetter und Mario Müller, Der Hut der Havelberger Bischöfe, in: Im Dialog mit Raubrittern und schönen Madonnen, Studien zur brandenburgischen und vergleichenden Landesgeschichte, hgg. Clemens Bergstedt, Heinz-Dieter Heimann, Knut Kiesant, Peter Knüvener, Mario Müller, Kurt Winkler, Bd. 6, 2011, p. 231-237, ISBN 978-3-86732-118-1 - Lukas Verlag für Kunst- und Geistesgeschichte, Kollwitzstraße 57, D-10405 Berlin,
  • British Textiles, 1700 to the Present, introduction by Linda Parry, 2010, 495 pages, ISBN 978 185 177 6184, V&A publishing -
  • Gedruckte Träume: 250 Jahre KBC Lörrach; Katalog zur Ausstellung im Museum am Burghof, 20. Juli 2003 bis 11. Januar 2004, 108 pages, in german, ISBN 3922107605, 9783922107606, Band 6 von Lörracher Hefte, Museum am Burghof. Lörrach

  • at CIETA Conference 2011:

  • Cecilia Candreus, De Hädangangnas Heraldik, En studie av broderade begravningsfanor ca 1670-1720,
    Riga 2008,
    ISBN 978-91 7844 750 3. 346 pages, with english summary: The heraldry of the dead. A study of embroidered funeral flags c. 1670-1720
  • Lena Dahren, Med kant av guld och silver, en studie av knypplade barder och uddar av metall 1550-1640, 2010, (Edged with gold and silver... a study of metal, bobbin-made borders and edgings, 1550-1640), Uppsala Universitet (printed in Västerås) ISBN 978-91-628-8196-2  
    The study examines bobbin-made borders and edgings in gold and silver during the period 1550-1640. The aim of the thesis is to study the technique of bobbin made lace and to place it in a historical, social and economic context. This is done by describing and analyzing samples of bobbin made lace in gold and silver manufactured during the period 1550-1640 and giving a picture of production, procurement, use and reuse of bobbin made lace. 
    The divided aim implies that the thesis has two paths. The earlier chapters investigate production, dealing with equipment, pattern books, techniques and patterns. The analysis and interpretation has its anchorage in deeply established practical knowledge and experience of bobbin lace making. The later chapters, dealing with procurement, use and reuse, are based on studies of portrait archives and preserved artefacts. The study is built on object-based and archival research alongside portrait studies.  The primary sources are bobbin-made borders and edgings preserved on ecclesiastical textiles in Sweden, documentation from the Swedish Royal accounts, and dress and portraits found in European collections. 
  • Margareta Ridderstedt, Veneziansk Sidendamast, 2008, 363 pages, ISBN 978-91-7209-500-7
  • Anne de Thoisy, Parties de Campagne, jardins et champs dans la toile imprimée XVIIIe - XIXe siècles, Tome I et Tome II, Le Coffret et ses deux volumes : 25 euros*, ISBN978-2-919165-01-8
    Livraison France métropolitaine (Colissimo 48h) : + 8 euros, Livraison CEE : 15 euros
    Règlement par chèque adressé à l'ordre de Soferic L'édition à :
    Soferic L'édition, 25, rue du maréchal Foch, 78 000  Versailles
    Ou par virement (international uniquement)
    IBAN (International Bank Account Number)        BIC (Bank Identifier Code)
    FR76 3008 7332 0100 0697 9350 133                   CMCIFRPP
    "Ref : "Parties de Campagne"
  • Isa Fleischmann-Heck, Hgg., Es putzt ganz ungemein - Accessoires und Damenkleidung der letzten 200 Jahre, Texte: Uta-Christiane Bergemann, Isa Fleischmann-Heck, Brigitte Tietzel, ISBN 978-3-941559-24-0, 2011, Euro 10.-
  • Roberta Orsi Landini, Moda a Firenze 1540-1580. Cosimo I de' Medici's style / Lo stile di Cosimo I de' Medici - © Mauro Pagliai 2011, cm 24x31, pp. 312, ill. col., cart., € 77,00 - Price US $129.00 - ISBN: 978-88-564-0099-1 - Forewords by Kirsten Aschengreen Piacenti and Caterina Chiarelli. With a contribution by Thessy Schoenholzer Nichols.English and Italian texts. - order from DBBC
    After Moda a Firenze 1540-1580. Lo stile di Eleonora di Toledo e la sua influenza (2005), the research project goes on, now with male clothing of the same period. Thanks to the papers from the Archivio di Stato of Florence, the author reconstructs the whole wardrobe of Eleonora’s husband, Cosimo I de’ Medici, day by day from 1544 until 1574, that is from the first time notes about the duke’s clothes appeared in official documents till the death of Cosimo. The founder of the grand-ducal dynasty created his public image with great care and determination, but Roberta Orsi Landini focus attention as well on Cosimo I’s personal tastes. The book describes fashion development in Florence through the analysis of items from the duke’s wardrobe and makes confrontations with potrait-paintings in order to define when new styles started up and which were the most favourite colours, materials and decorations of the period. Besides, the manufacturers panorama is meticulously reconstructed. Synoptic tables illustrate every change during the forty years; they are also a great tool to date paintings. Moreover, the author reconstructs the paper patterns of Cosimo and his son don Garçia’s burial gowns. Appendix includes daily off-the-peg clothes annotations, and lists amounts and materials in detail.
  • Marzia Cataldi Gallo, Le vesti dei Papi I parati della Sacrestia Pontificia Seicento e Settecento is aimed to illustrate for the first time the liturgical vestments and some items related to daily dress of Popes. These really extraordinary vestments, mostly enriched with golden embroideries, are kept in the Papal Sacristy near the Sistine Chapel and have never been shown before. This first book describes the liturgical vestments of the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries (from Paul V (1605-1620) to Pius VI (1717-1799)), the second – whose pubblication is expected for next year – will be a survey of the vestments of Popes who have been elected between the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries. The oldest vestments preserved are those of Pope Paul V, brocaded with the emblems of the important Borghese family, just like those of the other popes who followed, all richly decorated with the arms of their families in the redundant baroque taste inspired by the greatest artists of their era, i.e. Bernini. In addition to liturgical vestments there are references to pontifical dayly dresses (a “sottana and falda” worn by Innocenzo X), hats and shoes.
    24 x 29 cm, 175 pages with illustrations in colour, at Euro 50,00 - ISBN: 978-88 -6405-260 -1, in italian language.
    Prof. Dott. Marzia Cataldi Gallo, Salita San Francesco 7/4, 16124 Genova, tel. 00 39 010 8606232 - 3450472478,
    mail: -
    Published at: De Ferrari Comunicazione S.r.l., Via Riboli 20, 16145 Genova, Tel. 010 3621713 - Fax 010 3626830
  • Rosalba Peppi, Marita Rita Faleri, 2010 - Nappe, forme di ornamento tessile, 2010, 144 pages, ISBN 978-88-905335-0-1 Euro 30. - Rosalba Pepi and Maria Rita Faleri with Thessy Schoenholzer Nichols have just released their latest publication on Italian Tassels! (Tassels, forms of textile ornament).
  • Ann Hedlund, Gloria F. Ross and Modern Tapestry, Nov 29, 2010, 378 p., 10 x 12, 36 b/w + 416 color illus.
    ISBN: 9780300166354, Cloth: $65.00
      - features the collaborative work of 28 acclaimed modernist painters and sculptors, including Helen Frankenthaler (Ross’s sister), Kenneth Noland, and Louise Nevelson, with several dozen traditional-yet-innovative weavers in France, Scotland, and the Southwestern United States. Brief biographies of the artists, letters, notes, sketches, and photographs illustrate the practical and aesthetic challenges that occupied Gloria Ross for over three decades.
  • Anne Hedlund, Navajo Weaving from the Santa Fe Collection, 1971-1996, National Cowboy Hall of Fame, Oklahoma City, 1997, ISBN 1-56944-158-8
  • Ancient Textiles Series Vol. 8: Textile Terminologies, in the ancient near east and mediterranean from the third to the first millenia BC, edited by C. Michel and M.L. Nosch, 2010, ISBN 978-1-84217-975-8 available from oxford books, Oxford UK, or - David Brown Book Company PO box 511, Oakville, CT 06779, USA: phone: 860-945-9329, fax: 860-945-9468
  • The Medieval Broadcloth, Changing Trends in Fashions, Manufacturing and Consumption, edited by Katherine Vestergard Pedersen, and Marie-Louise B. Nosch, Oxford books, 2009, ISBN 978-1-84217-381-7, phone: Oxford UK 01865-241249, fax: 01865-794449 - David Brown Book Company PO box 511, Oakville, CT 06779, USA: phone: 860-945-9329, fax: 860-945-9468
  • NESAT X, The North European Symposium for Archeological Textiles, edited by Eva Andersson Strand, Margarita Gleba, Ulla Mannering, Cherine Munkholt and Maj Ringgaard, Oxbow Books, 2010, ISBN 978-1-84217-370-1
  • Carole Gillis and Marie-Louise B. Nosch, Ancient Textiles, Production, Craft and Society, published by Oxbow Books, Oxford, 2007, ISBN 978 1 84217 202 5, in english, 286 pages
  • __________________________________________________________________________________________________
  • Barb Adams & Alma Allen, A Schoolgirl's Work, Samplers from the Spencer Museum of Art. Their new book includes 11 projects inspired by the schoolgirls in this collection. The book which has 104 pages is due for publication in August 2011 and will be available via Norden Crafts, Hoffman Distributors and The Kansas City Star. - Spencer Museum of Art, 1301 Mississippi Street, Lawrence, Kansas 66045-7500 - Spencer Museum of Art
  • Pernilla Rasmussen: Skräddaren, sömmerskan och modet. Arbetsmetoder och arbetsdelning i tillverkningen av kvinnlig dräkt 1770–1830 (The Tailor, the Seamstress and Fashion. Working Methods and Division of Labour in the Manufacture of Female Dress 1770–1830), Nordiska Museets Handlingar 136, Nordiska museets förlag, Stockholm 2010. ISBN 978-91-7108-538-2. In Swedish, with English summary
    The book is Pernilla Rasmussen’s doctoral thesis. Artefact-based research plays an important role in this publication, complemented by a thorough study of written material. Surviving garments serve as historic sources that provide information that cannot be found in written or pictorial sources.
  • Johannes Pietsch, Zur Kleidung in Augsburg im späten 18. Jahrhundert, in: Georg Haindl (ed.), Die Kunst zu wohnen. Ein Augsburger Klebealbum des 18. Jahrhunderts, exhibition catalogue, Deutsche Barockgalerie im Schaezlerpalais Augsburg, Deutscher Kunstverlag GmbH Berlin München 2010, pp. 90-111. ISBN 978-3-422-07040-0
  • Micheàl & Elizabeth Feller, The Needlework Collections : 1, Mary Brooks, Elizabeth Feller, Jacqueline Holdsworth, Design and Layout by "N E E D L E P R I N T", Chart inside the jacket cover, lavishly illustrated with many photographs taken by Richard Holdsworth, 216 pages, in english, print management by PH Productions Pte Ltd, 2011, ISBN 9780955208652
    You can now page through a little preview of the new book.
    Click here for your preview.
  • I merletti del monastero di Sant'Orsola, ISBN 978-88-88606-18-7 (The laces of the Monastery of Saint Ursula in the collections of the Museums of the Province of Gorizia) in italian language.
    Gorizia Provincial Museums , tel. 0481.547541 547499 or . Research by sensitive scholar and also talented and skilled lace maker and textile artist Thessy Schoenholzer Nichols.
    Doretta Davanzo Poli
    introduces historical personalities like St. Teresa of Avila and explains the renewed interest in recent times for lace. Pillon Lucia provides a careful and detailed reconstruction of the historical and social context. Frieda Sorber explores aspects of some types of lace from the Netherlands and Monika Thonhauser illustrates the characteristics of the laces of Salzburg. Both types are present in small numbers in the analyzed samples.
    The book also wants to be a homage to the ancient Monastery of Saint Ursula, which was founded in the late seventeenth century by a small group of nuns. It is now published at the occasion of the celebration of 150 years of the Provincial Museum.
  • The book of the symposium is now online

since January 2011:

  • Kleider kehren zurück – Mode-Geschichte an der Hamburger Armgartstraße. By Birgit Haase,
    Mitarbeit von Julia Bausenhardt und Nadja Zeller. Hamburg 2011. (ca. 60 Seiten, zahlreiche Farb- und Schwarzweiß-Abbildungen; ConferencePoint Verlag Hamburg).
    „Armgartstraße? – dieser Name hat nicht nur in Hamburg einen besonderen Klang: dort wird „Mode gemacht?, dort werden Textilien entwickelt, Kostüme entworfen und Kleider gefertigt. Weitere Infos:
  • k+a, Art + Architecture en Suisse, No 1/ 2011, Art textile, with 9 interesting articles on textiles,
    Redaktion k+a,
    Pavillonweg 2, CH-3012 Bern, - - - abstracts in german, french and italian, 72 pages, ISSN 1421-086x
  • "st gall, Textilgeschichten aus acht jahrhunderten", by Peter Mueller, Hg. Textilmuseum St.Gallen, Baden 2011, 170 pages, in german, black and white and colour photos, ISBN 978-3-03919-214-4, a compilation of many anecdotes around embroidery and machine embroidery in St. Gallen. Without sources, notes or information about research in this field. This makes the book easy readable, but there are also accidental slips: Zanzibar e.g. obviously is not situated in the Red Sea but in the Indian Ocean.
  • FIBER ART TODAY by Carol K Russell, Availability: May 2011, 335 color photos, 192 pages, ISBN 9780764337772
    A thoughtful survey of fiber sculpture and wall art portrayed in 335 vibrant images and insightful text. Explore the work of three generations of fine artists who have opened their minds and spirits to the boundless range of expressive possibilities in textile methods or materials. Even as the art on these pages references weaving, crochet or quilting, traditional textile notions disappear in the hands of serious artists, appropriating essential elements for their contemporary concepts. From looms, needles, embroidery hoops,and bare hands, ideas take form. Piles of cloth, yarn, beads, fragrant grasses, bamboo or other materials of unusual resistance absorb and then return an artist's creative energy. Each object is distinctive to each artist. The discrete marks made by a certain pair of hands tell us who made which treasures. Danish artist/critic Lisbeth Tolstrup refers to art created in fiber media as "windows into the wizard's workshop."  
  • Bulletin du CIETA No 83, 2006, 132 pages, with 9 papers, obituary, book reviews, bibliography and summaries of papers of the meeting in Lisbonne, Portugal 2003, ISBN 978-2-900496-01-5 - Euro 65
    (CHRISTOS D. MERANTZAS: Le tissu de soie comme représentation culturelle : le cas de la peinture monumentale post-byzantine dans la Grèce du Nord-Ouest. ANDRÉ BRUTILLOT: « Es mussen also rein handwerkliche Merkmale vorhanden sein » Certains détails techniques permettent-ils de différencier les tapisseries tissées en haute lisse de celles tissées en basse lisse ? KEIKO KOBAYASHI: Lyon Influence on Japanese Weaving. MARIA-ANNE PRIVAT-SAVIGNY: L'autre industrie textile lyonnaise à l'ombre de la Fabrique sous le Premier Empire. XAVIER PETITCOL: François Pieters, un graveur d'indiennes à Bolbec. YOULIE SPANTIDAKI: L'anatomie d'une « relique » - Mythologie et histoire. CARMEN ROMEO: Altar Cloths in Friuli - Technical and Iconographical Aspects. FLORICA ZAHARIA: Research on traditional technology of hemp fibers in Apuseni Montains, Romania. ROBERTA CORTOPASSI: Du tisserand au tailleur : une tunique recomposée.)
  • L'Età dell'Eleganza, Le Filande e Tessiture Costa nella Como degli anni Cinquanta, edited by Fondazione Antonio Ratti; Nodo Libri, 2010, 276 pages, 232 color fotos and 115 black and white photos, text in italian and in english, Euro 40 ISBN 978-88-7185-175-4 - information:
  • Napoleon and the Empire of Fashion 1795 - 1815, by Cristina Barreto and Martin Lancaster; Skira Editore S.p.A, Milano 2011, 208 pages, 217 color photos, english edition £ 40, ISBN 978-88-572-0650-9 (there is also an italian and a french edition)
  • La Maille, une historie à Ecrire, Journées d'étude, Troyes, 20-21 novembre 2009, Association Française d'Etude du Textile, sous la direction de Marguerite Coppens, Bruxelles-Paris 2010, ISBN D/2010/1652/2
  • Archaeology and ethnology of meshwork, by Marguerite Gagneux-Granade, in: La Maille, une histoire à Ecrire, p. 5, 2010, Abstract:
    Most textiles are woven. Sometimes the surface of unwoven textiles takes the form of loops, these are the more or less complex interlacing of a single thread back onto itself. Not all such looped meshork constitutes classical knitting.
    When for this a thread of limited length is used, in most cases threaded onto a short needle, the work, progressing from top to bottom, creates networks; one variant of which has the appearance of knitting, its loops looking like a crossed intermeshing thread.
    But when a thread of initially unlimited length is used, with the help of a tool or a machine, the result, generally obtained from bottom to top, consists of meshed loops. Sometimes this is knitting.
    This activity appeared late in the history of humanity, and archaeology sheds little light on it. Ethnology, despite geographic comparisons with other textile technologies, still leaves many questions open, wheras mesh-fabrics have invaded our daily lives.
  • Reiche Bilder, Aspekte zur Produktion und Funktion von Stickereien im Spätmittelalter, Beiträge der internationalen Fachtagung des Deutschen Textilmuseums Krefeld und des Zentrums zur Erforschung antiker und mittelalterlicher Textilien an der Fachhochschule Köln (20. - 21. Novemer 2008), Uta-Christiane Bergemann, Annemarie Stauffer (editor), 128 pages, color photos, Regensburg 2010, - ISBN: 978-3-7954-2409-1 - is available at Euro 29.90 at: Verlag Schnell und Steiner
  • Traditional dress in East – Telemark - Diversity and change - Kleskikk i Aust – Telemark, Mangfald og endring, by Aagot Noss, Novus AS 2010. In Norwegian, with English summary
  • Le rôle insolite de la gravure chez Nicolas de La Fage (vers 1600-1655), brodeur du roi, communication par Danièle Véron-Denise, dans: Bulletin de la Société del'Art Français. 2008, p 35-46
  • Grandes figures de l’Ordre de Malte, by Bernard Berthod, Editeur : Artège ISBN : 978-2-360-40000-3 EAN : 9782360400003 Nb. de pages : 154 pages Poids : 180 g Dimensions : 13cm x 20cm x 1,2cm --- Paru le : 22/10/2010
  • Europäische Stickereien 1250 - 1650, (European Embroideries 1250 to 1650), Kataloge des Deutschen Textilmuseums Krefeld, Band 3, bearbeitet von Uta-Christiane Bergemann, 399 pages, 366 colour photos, 85 black and white photos, catalogue with 233 numbers, text in german, english summary, Regensburg 2010, ISBN: 978-3-7954-2399-5 - is available at Euro 49.90 at: Verlag Schnell und Steiner
    Presse Bericht (press release): Die Frage nach dem Herstellungsprozess beginnt mit den Stickern selbst, von den stickenden Königinnen und Hofdamen über die Stickmeister in den Werkstätten, Mönche und Nonnen bis zu professionellen Stickerinnen. Darüber hinaus werden die Entwicklungsgeschichte der Werkzeuge und Materialien, der Arbeitsablauf in der Werkstatt sowie der Vertrieb im Regional- und Fernhandel dargestellt. Dabei reicht der Bogen von der individuellen Auftragsarbeit bis zum Massenhandel von Luxusstickereien über Fernbestellungen im 15. und 16. Jahrhundert. Eindringlich wird zudem der Indienstnahme der Stickereien in der höfischen und bürgerlichen Standesrepräsentation nachgegangen, ihrer Reglementierung durch Kleiderordnungen und ihren Ausstattungsfunktionen für Kirchenräume, Altäre und die Gewänder der Priester.
    Vollständige Bestandspräsentation der Stickereien des Deutschen Textilmuseums Krefeld.

  • Marseille: The Cradle of White Corded Quilting, by Kathryn Berenson, International Quilt Study Center & Museum, University of Nebraska, Lincoln USA, NE 68583-0838 (402) 472-6342 , 128 pages, ca. 125 illustrations (100 color, 25 b&w), text in english, published 2010, ISBN 978-9814582-4-3, distributed by :University of Nebraska Press at $ 29.95
    Iindividual copies of the book /Marseille/ are available for
    pre-order from <>,,
    and with delivery when it is released in late October.
    Wholesale orders are handled by the University of Nebraska Press at

  • lavishly illustrated two-volume book about the history and fabric designs of Abraham Ltd. is being published by Verlag Scheidegger & Spiess. All publications can be purchased in the museum shop (SWISS NATIONAL MUSEUM ZURICH, Museumstrasse 2, 8001 Zürich, Switzerland), from your local bookseller or online at see also accompaning exhibition
    Volume 1: Soie pirate. The History of Abraham Ltd.
    ca. 220 pages, in color, ca. 150 illustrations. ISBN 978-3-85881-310-7, available in D or E (Soie pirate. Geschichte der Firma Abraham). CHF 59.– Vol. 1 | set price for Vols. 1 & 2: CHF 99.–
    Volume 2: Soie pirate. The Fabric Designs of Abraham Ltd.
    ca. 230 pages, in color, ca. 600 illustrations. ISBN 978-3-85881-313-8, text in D and E. CHF 69.– | set price for Vols. 1 & 2: CHF 99.–

home   Last revised 14 November 2011 For further information contact Anne Wanner