ANNE WANNER'S Textiles in History   / literature of embroidery stitches

  Books on Embroidery Techniques

  Washington, USA
  The Textile Museum Washington, announces the Publication of the Textile Museum Thesaurus, a scholarly compilation of the Museum's textile cataloging terminology. The Thesaurus is used as an electronic data management tool for controlling data entry and facilitating searches in the Museum's extensive collections database.
As a vocabulary resource, The Textile Museum Thesaurus serves as both a reference and a useful model for curators, scholars, conservators and catalogers working with textile collections elsewhere.

The Thesaurus is available for $ 5.00 from the Textile Museum shop and shop online. To order, visit
or call (+1) 202 667 0441, ext.29.

Also, the Textile Museum provides researchers with a full catalogue of titles in the Library's unparalleled collection of textile-related materials.
  English Books:
  - Therese de Dillmont's Encyclopedia digitalized:

- Amy Mitten, Autopsy of the Montenegrin Stitch, Exhumed,
first published by Amy Mitten Design Ltd. 2011, ISBN 978-09868686-0-3, 112 pages, see

- Samplers and Stitches, a handbook of the embroiderer's art
by Mrs Archibald Christie, London 1920
designs: copyright by the author

- Dictionary of Embroidery Stitches,
by Mary Thomas, published by Hodder and Stoughton, Sevenoaks, 1934, last reprint 1993

- Anchor Manuel of Needlework, Batsford Lit. London 1965/1960, London

- Ottoman Embroidery, by Marianne Ellis and Jennifer Wearden, London 2001
diagrams with turkish stitches, copyright: Marianne Ellis

- The Techniques of Indian Embroidery, by Anne Morrell, Manchester 1995

- Fasciculus Temporum, Arte Tardo-medieval do Museu Nacional Het Catharijneconvent de Utreque, by H.L.M. Defoer and W.C.M. Wüstefeld, Museu Calouste Gulbenkian, Lisboa, 1992, Dep. Legal No 61803/92

- Anne Butler Morell, The Migration of stitches & the Practice of Stitch as Movement, 2007, Shahibag, Ahmedabad-380 004 India, ISBN: 81-86980-39-3
  French Books:
  - reprint of Charles Germain de Saint Aubin, Designer to the King, Art of the Embroiderer, 1770, translated and annotated by Nikki Scheurer, additional Notes and Commentaries by Edward Maeder (Los Angeles, 1983)

- Vocabulaire de la broderie de couleur, by Nicole de Reyniès:
dans: Livres en broderie - Reliures françaises du Moyen Age à nos jours, expositions organisée par la Bibliothèque nationale de France à la Bibliothèque de l'Arsenal du 30 Novembre 1995 au 25 février 1996

  Spanish Books:
Real Academia Alfonso X el Sabio, Murcia, 1997, 223 págs.

Universidad de Murcia, Murcia, 1999,383 págs.

  Italian Books:
  - Il ricamo in Italia, dal XVI al XVIII secolo
a cura di Flavia Fiori e Margherita Zanetta Accornero
Museo d'Arte Religiosa, Oleggio, Novara 2001, ISBN 88-8212-241-7

p. 75: MariaLuisa Rizzini: due ricami milanesi del primo seicento
p. 92: notes about the embroideress Caterina Cantoni
see also annotation 47 (p.116) where it says, that E. Ricci, in: Ricami italiani antichi e moderni, Firenze 1925, p. 52 already mentionned C.Cantoni.

p. 165: Marzia Cataldi Gallo: ricamatori e ricami a Genova e in Liguria

- Tavole in Merletto, La prezisa arte dei merletti nell'aredo della travola e della casa, by several authors, 5 Biennale internazionale del merletto, Cantù, 2001
drawings copyright: by Tessy Schoenholzer

  German Books:
  - Systematik der Stichformen, by Renée Boser and Irmgard Müller, Basel 1968
designs: copyright by the authors

- Textilien I, Webereien und Stickereien des Mittelalters, Bildkatalog des Kestner-Museums, Hannover, 1964, S. 113-116, by Ruth Groenwoldt, designs: copyright by Ruth Groenwoldt

- Stickereien von der Vorzeit bis zur Gegenwart, by Ruth Groenwoldt, München 1993
designs: copyright by Ruth Groenwoldt

- Capella Clementina. Kurfürst Clemens August und die Krönung Kaiser Karls VII, by Dela von Boeselager, Studien zum Kölner Dom Band 8, Köln 2001

- Museum Schnütgen, Die liturgischen Gewänder, 11. - 19. Jh., Bestandskatalog, by Gudrun Sporbeck, Köln 2001

- Berliner Goldsticker im friderizianischen Rokoko, by Uta-Christiane Bergemann, in: Jahrbuch 1999/2000, Stiftung Preussische Schlösser und Gärten Berlin-Brandenburg, p. 33 - 64, Berlin 2002, 6 b/w photos (No 1-6), 8 colour pictures (table 8-15)

- A la recherche d'un art perdu, by Renate Krisper, eine Elementar-Terminologie der Handarbeitstechnik Sticken, sowie der einschlägigen Textilkunde in den Sprachen Deutsch und Französisch, Diplomarbeit zur Erlangung des Magistergrades der Philosophie aus der Studienrichtung Uebersetzer- und Dolmetscherausbildung Studienzweig Uebersetzer, eingereicht an der Geistes- und kulturwissenschaftlichen Fakultät der Universität Wien, Wien, 2002

  Sweden, Island:

Medeltida broderi - litteraturlista

- Branting, Agnes & Lindblom, Andreas, Medeltida vävnader och broderier i Sverige. Stockholm 1997 (1928-29).
- Estham, Inger, Birgittinska textilier. Stockholm 1991.
- Estham, Inger, Medeltida textilier i Skara domkyrka. Skara I. Före 1700. Skara 1986.
- Estham, Inger, Textilier i Vadstena klosterkyrka. Stockholm 1984.
- Franzén, Anne-Marie, Prydnadssömmar under medeltiden. Stockholm ??
- Geijer, Agnes, Albertus Pictor, målare och pärlstickare. Stockholm 1949.
- Geijer, Agnes, Textila skatter i Uppsala domkyrka från åtta århundraden. Uppsala 1964.
- Nylén, Anna Maja, Broderier från herremans- och borgarhem 1500-1850. Stockholm 1950.
- Opera Textilia Variorum Temporum. Stockholm 1988.
- Schuette, Marie & Müller-Christensen, Broderikonsten från antiken till jugend. Tübingen 1965

- Traditional Icelandic Embroidery, by Elsa E. Gudjonsson, Reykjavik, Iceland 1985
designs: copyright Elsa E.Gudjonsson


home Last revised October 2006